Monday, December 25, 2006 Why Did Jesus Come?
"I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."
— John 10:10
This has been a busy time of year for almost everyone. For us as Christians, it's been a joyful celebration of the birth of Jesus. We marvel at the fact that God humbled Himself and was born in a cave. But why did He come? First, Jesus Christ came to proclaim good news to the spiritually hurting, to preach the good news to us. He came to heal the broken-hearted. Medical science has found ways to reduce and even remove pain. But there is no cure for a broken heart. Jesus came to set people free who are bound by sin. Jesus came to open our spiritual eyes to our spiritual need.He came to lift up those who are crushed by life. He came to give us abundant life. Jesus came to lift us from the physical realm of the senses to the spiritual realm to show us that there is more to life.He came to give His life for us. Jesus said, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many" (Mark 10:45). He came to die. Jesus Christ came to this earth to seek and save those of us who are lost, just as a shepherd seeks a lost sheep. So in all of this hustle and bustle, wrapping paper, mistletoe, and brightly colored lights, let's get down to the bottom line. Christmas is about God sending His Son to die on a cross. He was born to die, to give us abundant life, to give us a life that is worth living.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
simeon who?
Luke 2:15-33 (Contemporary English Version)
After the angels had left and gone back to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see what the Lord has told us about." 16They hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and they saw the baby lying on a bed of hay. 17When the shepherds saw Jesus, they told his parents what the angel had said about him. 18Everyone listened and was surprised. 19But Mary kept thinking about all this and wondering what it meant. 20As the shepherds returned to their sheep, they were praising God and saying wonderful things about him. Everything they had seen and heard was just as the angel had said. 21Eight days later Jesus' parents did for him what the Law of Moses commands. And they named him Jesus, just as the angel had told Mary when he promised she would have a baby. 22The time came for Mary and Joseph to do what the Law of Moses says a mother is supposed to do after her baby is born. They took Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem and presented him to the Lord, 23 just as the Law of the Lord says, "Each first-born baby boy belongs to the Lord." 24The Law of the Lord also says that parents have to offer a sacrifice, giving at least a pair of doves or two young pigeons. So that is what Mary and Joseph did. 25 At this time A MAN NAMED SIMEON was living in Jerusalem. Simeon was a good man. He loved God and was waiting for God to save the people of Israel. God's Spirit came to him 26and told him that he would not die until he had seen Christ the Lord. 27When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple to do what the Law of Moses says should be done for a new baby, the Spirit told Simeon to go into the temple. 28Simeon took the baby Jesus in his arms and praised God, 29"Lord, I am your servant, and now I can die in peace, because you have kept your promise to me. 30 With my own eyes I have seen what you have done to save your people, 31and foreign nations will also see this. 32Your mighty power is a light or all nations, and it will bring honor to your people Israel." 33Jesus' parents were surprised at what Simeon had said.
After the angels had left and gone back to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see what the Lord has told us about." 16They hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and they saw the baby lying on a bed of hay. 17When the shepherds saw Jesus, they told his parents what the angel had said about him. 18Everyone listened and was surprised. 19But Mary kept thinking about all this and wondering what it meant. 20As the shepherds returned to their sheep, they were praising God and saying wonderful things about him. Everything they had seen and heard was just as the angel had said. 21Eight days later Jesus' parents did for him what the Law of Moses commands. And they named him Jesus, just as the angel had told Mary when he promised she would have a baby. 22The time came for Mary and Joseph to do what the Law of Moses says a mother is supposed to do after her baby is born. They took Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem and presented him to the Lord, 23 just as the Law of the Lord says, "Each first-born baby boy belongs to the Lord." 24The Law of the Lord also says that parents have to offer a sacrifice, giving at least a pair of doves or two young pigeons. So that is what Mary and Joseph did. 25 At this time A MAN NAMED SIMEON was living in Jerusalem. Simeon was a good man. He loved God and was waiting for God to save the people of Israel. God's Spirit came to him 26and told him that he would not die until he had seen Christ the Lord. 27When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple to do what the Law of Moses says should be done for a new baby, the Spirit told Simeon to go into the temple. 28Simeon took the baby Jesus in his arms and praised God, 29"Lord, I am your servant, and now I can die in peace, because you have kept your promise to me. 30 With my own eyes I have seen what you have done to save your people, 31and foreign nations will also see this. 32Your mighty power is a light or all nations, and it will bring honor to your people Israel." 33Jesus' parents were surprised at what Simeon had said.
Friday, December 22, 2006
what is CHRISTMAS NOT to you?
What is the true meaning of Christmas?
Why is the standard phrase: "Is all your shopping done?"
I'm tired of being asked that!
I'm tired of all the commercialism and materialism and manipulation by companies and advertisers.
I'm tired of being told one has to say "Happy Holidays" to not offend some. Why did this man at church say that to me?????
I was bold today and wore to work, under my open lab coat, a tee with baby jesus and mary and peace above it. (My friend Cyndy made that years ago. THANK YOU CYNDY. I miss you. Did you find a job? )
And an angel pin on my lab coat, and my jesus ring and my cross ring.
No one said a thing.
Tuesday was Awesome. 24 (children and adults) from my church Christmas caroled around the church neighborhood. We blessed the neighbors and were blessed right back. Thanks to Pastor Elie who prayed for us on our way.
REMEMBER TO HELP THE NEEDY. Don't just give to those who already have too much.
Why is the standard phrase: "Is all your shopping done?"
I'm tired of being asked that!
I'm tired of all the commercialism and materialism and manipulation by companies and advertisers.
I'm tired of being told one has to say "Happy Holidays" to not offend some. Why did this man at church say that to me?????
I was bold today and wore to work, under my open lab coat, a tee with baby jesus and mary and peace above it. (My friend Cyndy made that years ago. THANK YOU CYNDY. I miss you. Did you find a job? )
And an angel pin on my lab coat, and my jesus ring and my cross ring.
No one said a thing.
Tuesday was Awesome. 24 (children and adults) from my church Christmas caroled around the church neighborhood. We blessed the neighbors and were blessed right back. Thanks to Pastor Elie who prayed for us on our way.
REMEMBER TO HELP THE NEEDY. Don't just give to those who already have too much.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
I awoke to a great radio show on ballroom dancing and the HEART!
It improves posture, decreases stress, improves breathing and is aerobic!
Can burn 1000 calories in an evening!
Sounds much more fun(tolerable) than treadmill or jogging.
"Heart Failure Patients Can Waltz Their Way to Stronger Hearts
Dancing sometimes offers better results than exercise, researchers report"
"Waltz dancing improves functional capacity and quality of life for chronic heart failure patients without important side effects. It may be considered in combination or as an alternative to exercise training in these patients," added Belardinelli, the director of cardiac rehabilitation and prevention at Lancisi Heart Institute in Ancona, ITALY
Dancing Can Improve Heart Failure Patients and Lead To Healthier Hearts
Heart Failure Treatment Through Dancing Waltz
Dancing improves ability to function and quality of life among chronic heart failure patients and may be a good alternative to other aerobic exercises, researchers reported at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2006.
"Our research suggests that dancing is a new choice of exercise training for patients with heart failure," said Romualdo Belardinelli, M.D., lead author of the study. "This is good news, because if we want patients to take part in lifelong aerobic exercise at least three times a week, it should be something that's fun and makes them want to continue."
Belardinelli is a professor of cardiology at Università Politecnica delle Marche School of Medicine and director of cardiac rehabilitation and prevention at Lancisi Heart Institute in Ancona, Italy.
In a previous study, he and colleagues found that dance - specifically, slow and fast waltz - was safe and improved functional capacity and quality of life for people who suffered from heart disease and previous heart attacks.
"We repeated the study in patients with chronic heart failure, and the results were identical," he said. "The amount of work during a session of dance is very similar to that of a session of traditional aerobic exercise."
Researchers studied 110 patients (89 men, average age 59) with stable chronic heart failure, meaning their left ventricular ejection fraction, which is the heart's pumping ability, was less than 40 percent. A group of 44 patients were randomized to participate in supervised exercise training (cycling, treadmill) three times a week for eight weeks. Another group of 44 patients danced, alternating between slow (5 minutes) and fast (3 minutes) waltzes, lasting 21 minutes, three times a week for eight weeks. A third group (22 patients) had no exercise.
Researchers monitored patients' heart rates during exercise and dancing sessions. At the start of the study and at eight weeks into it, all patients underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing – an exercise stress test that analyzed ventilation and gas exchange to determine the effect of training and gauge functional ability. Participants also underwent imaging tests on their arteries.
Patients then completed the Minnesota Heart Failure Living Questionnaire to rate their quality of life. Participants rated how heart failure affected their sleeping ability, participation in hobbies, housework, sexual activity, level of worry, depression and other aspects of daily life.
"The results indicate that dancing improves functional capacity and quality of life – particularly when it came to questions about emotions – among patients who underwent the dance protocol, while there was no improvement in these areas at eight weeks in the patients who did not exercise," Belardinelli said.
Cardiopulmonary fitness increased at similar rates in those who did routine exercise training and in those who danced, with dancers experiencing slightly greater benefits. Oxygen consumption (peak V02) increased 16 percent among the exercisers and 18 percent among the dancers. Anaerobic threshold, the point above which muscles fatigue, increased 20 percent among exercisers and 21 percent among dancers.
Ventilatory response (VE/VCO2) increased 14 percent among exercisers and 15 percent among dancers, while an index of cardiocirculatory fitness (VO2/W) increased 18 percent in exercisers and 19 percent among dancers.
The dancing group's arteries also had greater capacity than those of non-exercisizers to dilate (become more elastic) due to the effect of dancing on the inner part of the arterial wall (the endothelium). The endothelium is stimulated by exercise to produce favorable substances, including nitric oxide, a gas that dilates and protects the arteries from atherosclerosis. Another improvement was that the cardiac fibers became more elastic.
Quality of life was "surprisingly more significantly" improved in the dancing group versus the exercise group. Lower scores meant fewer problems interfering with a good quality of life and, among the dancers, scores dropped from an average of 56 to 41. For the exercisers, scores dropped from an average of 58 to 48. Ejection fraction didn't significantly change in either the exercising or dancing group.
No one had to withdraw from the study because of adverse events, indicating that dancing is safe, researchers said.
"All these improvements have been demonstrated by standard exercise training based on stationary cycling or treadmill exercise," Belardinelli said. "Thus, dancing is able to induce the same physiological benefits as standard aerobic exercise in patients with chronic heart failure."
Belardinelli said studies should look at the heart-health effects of dancing on larger populations of people.
It improves posture, decreases stress, improves breathing and is aerobic!
Can burn 1000 calories in an evening!
Sounds much more fun(tolerable) than treadmill or jogging.
"Heart Failure Patients Can Waltz Their Way to Stronger Hearts
Dancing sometimes offers better results than exercise, researchers report"
"Waltz dancing improves functional capacity and quality of life for chronic heart failure patients without important side effects. It may be considered in combination or as an alternative to exercise training in these patients," added Belardinelli, the director of cardiac rehabilitation and prevention at Lancisi Heart Institute in Ancona, ITALY
Dancing Can Improve Heart Failure Patients and Lead To Healthier Hearts
Heart Failure Treatment Through Dancing Waltz
Dancing improves ability to function and quality of life among chronic heart failure patients and may be a good alternative to other aerobic exercises, researchers reported at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2006.
"Our research suggests that dancing is a new choice of exercise training for patients with heart failure," said Romualdo Belardinelli, M.D., lead author of the study. "This is good news, because if we want patients to take part in lifelong aerobic exercise at least three times a week, it should be something that's fun and makes them want to continue."
Belardinelli is a professor of cardiology at Università Politecnica delle Marche School of Medicine and director of cardiac rehabilitation and prevention at Lancisi Heart Institute in Ancona, Italy.
In a previous study, he and colleagues found that dance - specifically, slow and fast waltz - was safe and improved functional capacity and quality of life for people who suffered from heart disease and previous heart attacks.
"We repeated the study in patients with chronic heart failure, and the results were identical," he said. "The amount of work during a session of dance is very similar to that of a session of traditional aerobic exercise."
Researchers studied 110 patients (89 men, average age 59) with stable chronic heart failure, meaning their left ventricular ejection fraction, which is the heart's pumping ability, was less than 40 percent. A group of 44 patients were randomized to participate in supervised exercise training (cycling, treadmill) three times a week for eight weeks. Another group of 44 patients danced, alternating between slow (5 minutes) and fast (3 minutes) waltzes, lasting 21 minutes, three times a week for eight weeks. A third group (22 patients) had no exercise.
Researchers monitored patients' heart rates during exercise and dancing sessions. At the start of the study and at eight weeks into it, all patients underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing – an exercise stress test that analyzed ventilation and gas exchange to determine the effect of training and gauge functional ability. Participants also underwent imaging tests on their arteries.
Patients then completed the Minnesota Heart Failure Living Questionnaire to rate their quality of life. Participants rated how heart failure affected their sleeping ability, participation in hobbies, housework, sexual activity, level of worry, depression and other aspects of daily life.
"The results indicate that dancing improves functional capacity and quality of life – particularly when it came to questions about emotions – among patients who underwent the dance protocol, while there was no improvement in these areas at eight weeks in the patients who did not exercise," Belardinelli said.
Cardiopulmonary fitness increased at similar rates in those who did routine exercise training and in those who danced, with dancers experiencing slightly greater benefits. Oxygen consumption (peak V02) increased 16 percent among the exercisers and 18 percent among the dancers. Anaerobic threshold, the point above which muscles fatigue, increased 20 percent among exercisers and 21 percent among dancers.
Ventilatory response (VE/VCO2) increased 14 percent among exercisers and 15 percent among dancers, while an index of cardiocirculatory fitness (VO2/W) increased 18 percent in exercisers and 19 percent among dancers.
The dancing group's arteries also had greater capacity than those of non-exercisizers to dilate (become more elastic) due to the effect of dancing on the inner part of the arterial wall (the endothelium). The endothelium is stimulated by exercise to produce favorable substances, including nitric oxide, a gas that dilates and protects the arteries from atherosclerosis. Another improvement was that the cardiac fibers became more elastic.
Quality of life was "surprisingly more significantly" improved in the dancing group versus the exercise group. Lower scores meant fewer problems interfering with a good quality of life and, among the dancers, scores dropped from an average of 56 to 41. For the exercisers, scores dropped from an average of 58 to 48. Ejection fraction didn't significantly change in either the exercising or dancing group.
No one had to withdraw from the study because of adverse events, indicating that dancing is safe, researchers said.
"All these improvements have been demonstrated by standard exercise training based on stationary cycling or treadmill exercise," Belardinelli said. "Thus, dancing is able to induce the same physiological benefits as standard aerobic exercise in patients with chronic heart failure."
Belardinelli said studies should look at the heart-health effects of dancing on larger populations of people.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Sorry this post is so late!
My Family had the opportunity to go to ENGLAND this past summer. One week in London and one week in the country where Brad drove!!!!!!!
I want to share what I viewed as Positive and Negative:
POSITIVE: Family Bonding. Learned about world and local history. Beautiful flowers everywhere. Natives respect their country. Moist air. Beautiful landscape. Good news programs, not fake or hollywoodish. Friendly and helpful people. Courteous drivers. No loose dogs. Awesome transportation subway "tube" system. "Mind the gap." Cool rocks and shells from Winchelsea (pebble) Beach. Walked through a beautiuful meadow full of lambs--refreshed my soul. Enjoyed The Tempest starring Patrick Stewart as Prospero. Left prayer requests in one of the cathedrals.
NEGATIVE: So expensive to eat and lodge, just about double the American dollar. Tobacco smoke everywhere. Pubs in every block. Petral fumes. Small streets. No ice. $ admission charged to even nature places. Eleven hour plane trip was difficult for me.
Neutral observations: A lot of red hair. A lot of pink tops. No floral tops. Ladies tops tight and low cut. No Hispanic people. Many White Indian Black. Surprised we did not see pedestrian killed by taxi or bus. My period returned after 2 years.....who would have figured? tmi.....
My Family had the opportunity to go to ENGLAND this past summer. One week in London and one week in the country where Brad drove!!!!!!!
I want to share what I viewed as Positive and Negative:
POSITIVE: Family Bonding. Learned about world and local history. Beautiful flowers everywhere. Natives respect their country. Moist air. Beautiful landscape. Good news programs, not fake or hollywoodish. Friendly and helpful people. Courteous drivers. No loose dogs. Awesome transportation subway "tube" system. "Mind the gap." Cool rocks and shells from Winchelsea (pebble) Beach. Walked through a beautiuful meadow full of lambs--refreshed my soul. Enjoyed The Tempest starring Patrick Stewart as Prospero. Left prayer requests in one of the cathedrals.
NEGATIVE: So expensive to eat and lodge, just about double the American dollar. Tobacco smoke everywhere. Pubs in every block. Petral fumes. Small streets. No ice. $ admission charged to even nature places. Eleven hour plane trip was difficult for me.
Neutral observations: A lot of red hair. A lot of pink tops. No floral tops. Ladies tops tight and low cut. No Hispanic people. Many White Indian Black. Surprised we did not see pedestrian killed by taxi or bus. My period returned after 2 years.....who would have figured? tmi.....
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I had the opportunity to Lead the Singing and play keyboard at a Ladies Retreat. I tried to think of this as Worship as opposed to Performance. I was less nervous this time. I prepared this document for the ladies. (Thanks to Andrew for his example of Worship in Youth Group.)
What does worship mean to you?
Singing? Praying? Loving? Listening? Giving? Offering? Reading? Surrendering? Repenting? Forgiving? Listening? Resting? Sharing? Caring? Adoring? Praising?
Matthew 2:1-3 (CEV)
When Jesus was born in the village of Bethlehem in Judea, Herod was king. During this time some wise men from the east came to Jerusalem 2and said, "Where is the child born to be king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."
Psalm 100:1-3 (CEV)
Shout praises to the LORD, everyone on this earth. 2Be joyful and sing as you come in to worship the LORD! 3You know the LORD is God! He created us, and we belong to him; we are his people, the sheep in his pasture.
Psalm 96:8-10 (NLT)
Give to the Lord the glory he deserves! Bring your offering and come into his courts. 9 Worship the Lord in all his holy splendor. Let all the earth tremble before him. 10 Tell all the nations, “The Lord reigns!” The world stands firm and cannot be shaken. He will judge all peoples fairly.
Hebrews 12:28-29 (CEV)
We should be grateful that we were given a kingdom that cannot be shaken. And in this kingdom we please God by worshiping him and by showing him great honor and respect. 29Our God is like a destructive fire!
John 4:23-24 (The Message)
"It's who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship. God is sheer being itself—Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration."
Psalm 95:5-7 (Contemporary English Version)
The ocean is the Lord's because he made it, and with his own hands he formed the dry land. 6Bow down and worship the LORD our Creator! 7The LORD is our God, and we are his people, the sheep he takes care of in his own pasture. Listen to God's voice today!
What does worship mean to you?
Singing? Praying? Loving? Listening? Giving? Offering? Reading? Surrendering? Repenting? Forgiving? Listening? Resting? Sharing? Caring? Adoring? Praising?
Matthew 2:1-3 (CEV)
When Jesus was born in the village of Bethlehem in Judea, Herod was king. During this time some wise men from the east came to Jerusalem 2and said, "Where is the child born to be king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."
Psalm 100:1-3 (CEV)
Shout praises to the LORD, everyone on this earth. 2Be joyful and sing as you come in to worship the LORD! 3You know the LORD is God! He created us, and we belong to him; we are his people, the sheep in his pasture.
Psalm 96:8-10 (NLT)
Give to the Lord the glory he deserves! Bring your offering and come into his courts. 9 Worship the Lord in all his holy splendor. Let all the earth tremble before him. 10 Tell all the nations, “The Lord reigns!” The world stands firm and cannot be shaken. He will judge all peoples fairly.
Hebrews 12:28-29 (CEV)
We should be grateful that we were given a kingdom that cannot be shaken. And in this kingdom we please God by worshiping him and by showing him great honor and respect. 29Our God is like a destructive fire!
John 4:23-24 (The Message)
"It's who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship. God is sheer being itself—Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration."
Psalm 95:5-7 (Contemporary English Version)
The ocean is the Lord's because he made it, and with his own hands he formed the dry land. 6Bow down and worship the LORD our Creator! 7The LORD is our God, and we are his people, the sheep he takes care of in his own pasture. Listen to God's voice today!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
P S A L M => 3 4
1I will always praise the LORD. 2With all my heart, I will praise the LORD. Let all who are helpless, listen and be glad. 3Honor the LORD with me! Celebrate his great name. 4I asked the LORD for help, and he saved me from all my fears. 5 Keep your ey es on the LORD! You will shine like the sun and never blush with shame. 6 I was a nobody, but I prayed, and the LORD saved me from all my troubles. 7 If you honor the LORD, his angel will protect you. 8 Discover for yourself that the LORD is kind. Come to him for protection, and you will be glad. 9 Honor the LORD! You are his special people. No one who honors the LORD will ever be in need. 10Young lions may go hungry or even starve, but if you trust the LORD, you will never miss out on anything good. 11Come, my children, listen as I teach you to respect the LORD. 12Do you want to live and enjoy a long life? 13Then don't say cruel things and don't tell lies. 14Do good instead of evil and try to live at peace. 15If you obey the LORD, he will watch over you and answer your prayers. 16But God despises evil people, and he will wipe them all from the earth, till they are forgotten. 17When his people pray for help, he listens and rescues them from their troubles. 18The LORD is there to rescue all who are discouraged and have given up hope. 19The LORD's people may suffer a lot, but he will always bring them safely through. 20Not one of their bones will ever be broken. 21Wicked people are killed by their own evil deeds, and if you hate God's people you will be punished. 22The LORD saves the lives of his servants. Run to him for protection, and you won't be punished.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Since England I've been hooked on Crosswords (great family fun time) and then Sudoku Number Puzzles.
Bought a beginning book at Target for Sudoku.
The first one I completed took me 75 minutes! Ouch!
Yesterday I did one in 15 minutes!
I'm trying to Sudoku instead of overeat!!!!!!
I've had so much stress at work and church I am escaping with number puzzles....
How's that for a chubby dietitian's plan?
I also feel like my memory is worse and hope this will help my brain function, seriously!
Here's an online site
Bought a beginning book at Target for Sudoku.
The first one I completed took me 75 minutes! Ouch!
Yesterday I did one in 15 minutes!
I'm trying to Sudoku instead of overeat!!!!!!
I've had so much stress at work and church I am escaping with number puzzles....
How's that for a chubby dietitian's plan?
I also feel like my memory is worse and hope this will help my brain function, seriously!
Here's an online site
Thursday, August 17, 2006
READ THIS BOOK by Dr. Francis Collins
"The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief ",1,7302416.story?coll=la-headlines-frontpage
Dr. Francis Collins has mapped the human genome and embraced Christ. He sees no conflict, but there are skeptics on both sides.
By Stephanie Simon, Times Staff WriterAugust 17, 2006
ROCKVILLE, Md. — The dying woman looked up at her physician. "What do you believe?" The question unsettled Dr. Francis Collins. For days, he had watched the elderly woman serenely endure the pain of a failing heart, certain she was leaving this world for a better one. She talked to him often of her faith. He listened with bemusement. He was a man of science; he had earned a PhD in physical chemistry at Yale and was completing his medical degree with bedside training at a North Carolina hospital. When his patients talked of God, he pitied them.Yet confronted with the woman's earnest question, Collins felt not superior, but oddly ashamed. After 30 years, he still remembers how he flushed as he stammered: "I'm not really sure."The patient died soon after. And Collins embarked on a journey of exploration that took him to the White House to discuss his landmark map of human DNA with President Clinton — and to a lonely mountain meadow, where he dropped to his knees one bright morning and surrendered himself to Jesus Christ.A scientist and a believer. A born-again Christian and director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, a federal project with 550 employees, a $480 million annual budget and a mandate to explore every twist of the DNA that makes us who we are. The synthesis has brought Collins much joy and intellectual satisfaction. But he's frustrated, too, that he's perceived as such an oddity.In his new book, "The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief," Collins expresses his dismay at what he calls "the chasm between science and faith."Evolution versus intelligent design. Darwin versus God. Embryonic stem-cell research versus the sanctity of human life."We act as though there's a battle going on," Collins said. "An irreconcilable conflict."He feels no such conflict. He believes in evolution and in the resurrection. He wears a silver ring with a raised cross and works at a dining-room table painted with the double-helix of DNA.Tall and trim, with gray hair; blue eyes; a relaxed, self-effacing manner; and just the barest hint of a Southern twang, Collins, 56, has set himself up as an emissary between two clashing worldviews.He urges his fellow scientists to give up the arrogant assumption that the only questions worth asking are those science can answer. He entreats his fellow believers to recognize it's not blasphemous to learn about the world.One day last summer, in the basement office of his suburban home here, Collins dictated this manifesto into a tape recorder: "Science is not threatened by God; it is enhanced. God is most certainly not threatened by science; He made it all possible." It became the central thesis of his book — with this addendum: "Abandon the battlements."This plea for a truce encourages some veterans of the culture wars.Polls routinely show that about half of all Americans believe God created man, fully formed, within the last 10,000 years, as the Bible recounts. The vast majority of scientists find that ludicrous, but their account of man evolving from primordial muck does not resonate broadly, especially with Christians who believe in a personal God, deeply concerned about each human life.Collins, some hope, might bridge this gap by reassuring Christians that they can buy evolution without selling out their faith. Eugenie C. Scott, director of the National Center for Science Education, called Collins' book "extremely important … particularly because it was written from a conservative Christian view. This is not some Unitarian speaking."Some Christians accuse Collins of denying the foundation of faith when he calls the Biblical creation account an allegory."Not accepting the history in Genesis undermines the entire gospel," said Ken Ham, president of a ministry called Answers in Genesis, which promotes creationism. "The Bible says from dust we come and to dust we return. We don't return to an ape-man when we die."From the other camp, some scientists ridicule Collins' effort to find a place for God in the scientific framework."I could just as well say that there are 70 pink elephants revolving around the Earth," said Herbert A. Hauptman, a Nobel laureate in chemistry. Science and faith "are simply incompatible," he added. "There's no getting around it.",1,7302416.story?coll=la-headlines-frontpage
Dr. Francis Collins has mapped the human genome and embraced Christ. He sees no conflict, but there are skeptics on both sides.
By Stephanie Simon, Times Staff WriterAugust 17, 2006
ROCKVILLE, Md. — The dying woman looked up at her physician. "What do you believe?" The question unsettled Dr. Francis Collins. For days, he had watched the elderly woman serenely endure the pain of a failing heart, certain she was leaving this world for a better one. She talked to him often of her faith. He listened with bemusement. He was a man of science; he had earned a PhD in physical chemistry at Yale and was completing his medical degree with bedside training at a North Carolina hospital. When his patients talked of God, he pitied them.Yet confronted with the woman's earnest question, Collins felt not superior, but oddly ashamed. After 30 years, he still remembers how he flushed as he stammered: "I'm not really sure."The patient died soon after. And Collins embarked on a journey of exploration that took him to the White House to discuss his landmark map of human DNA with President Clinton — and to a lonely mountain meadow, where he dropped to his knees one bright morning and surrendered himself to Jesus Christ.A scientist and a believer. A born-again Christian and director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, a federal project with 550 employees, a $480 million annual budget and a mandate to explore every twist of the DNA that makes us who we are. The synthesis has brought Collins much joy and intellectual satisfaction. But he's frustrated, too, that he's perceived as such an oddity.In his new book, "The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief," Collins expresses his dismay at what he calls "the chasm between science and faith."Evolution versus intelligent design. Darwin versus God. Embryonic stem-cell research versus the sanctity of human life."We act as though there's a battle going on," Collins said. "An irreconcilable conflict."He feels no such conflict. He believes in evolution and in the resurrection. He wears a silver ring with a raised cross and works at a dining-room table painted with the double-helix of DNA.Tall and trim, with gray hair; blue eyes; a relaxed, self-effacing manner; and just the barest hint of a Southern twang, Collins, 56, has set himself up as an emissary between two clashing worldviews.He urges his fellow scientists to give up the arrogant assumption that the only questions worth asking are those science can answer. He entreats his fellow believers to recognize it's not blasphemous to learn about the world.One day last summer, in the basement office of his suburban home here, Collins dictated this manifesto into a tape recorder: "Science is not threatened by God; it is enhanced. God is most certainly not threatened by science; He made it all possible." It became the central thesis of his book — with this addendum: "Abandon the battlements."This plea for a truce encourages some veterans of the culture wars.Polls routinely show that about half of all Americans believe God created man, fully formed, within the last 10,000 years, as the Bible recounts. The vast majority of scientists find that ludicrous, but their account of man evolving from primordial muck does not resonate broadly, especially with Christians who believe in a personal God, deeply concerned about each human life.Collins, some hope, might bridge this gap by reassuring Christians that they can buy evolution without selling out their faith. Eugenie C. Scott, director of the National Center for Science Education, called Collins' book "extremely important … particularly because it was written from a conservative Christian view. This is not some Unitarian speaking."Some Christians accuse Collins of denying the foundation of faith when he calls the Biblical creation account an allegory."Not accepting the history in Genesis undermines the entire gospel," said Ken Ham, president of a ministry called Answers in Genesis, which promotes creationism. "The Bible says from dust we come and to dust we return. We don't return to an ape-man when we die."From the other camp, some scientists ridicule Collins' effort to find a place for God in the scientific framework."I could just as well say that there are 70 pink elephants revolving around the Earth," said Herbert A. Hauptman, a Nobel laureate in chemistry. Science and faith "are simply incompatible," he added. "There's no getting around it."
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
read poems brad just wrote about his dad here
read poems brad just wrote about his dad here
Two of the Most Wonderful People in this world
Went to heaven (July 9, July 13)
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Psalms of Strength and Comfort
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.-Psalm 73:26
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.-Psalm 46:1-2
"The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.-Psalm 28:8
"Be merciful to me, O LORD, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and my body with grief.-Psalm 31:9
"But you, O LORD, be not far off; O my Strength, come quickly to help me.-Psalm 22:19
"The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.-Psalm 29:11
"O my Strength, I watch for you; you, O God, are my fortress.-Psalm 59:9
"Summon your power, O God; show us your strength, O God, as you have done before.-Psalm 68:28
"My hand will sustain him; surely my arm will strengthen him.-Psalm 89:21
"The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.-Psalm 118:14
"My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.-Psalm 119:28
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.-Psalm 73:26
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.-Psalm 46:1-2
"The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.-Psalm 28:8
"Be merciful to me, O LORD, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and my body with grief.-Psalm 31:9
"But you, O LORD, be not far off; O my Strength, come quickly to help me.-Psalm 22:19
"The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.-Psalm 29:11
"O my Strength, I watch for you; you, O God, are my fortress.-Psalm 59:9
"Summon your power, O God; show us your strength, O God, as you have done before.-Psalm 68:28
"My hand will sustain him; surely my arm will strengthen him.-Psalm 89:21
"The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.-Psalm 118:14
"My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.-Psalm 119:28
I attended a catholic vigil and mass for a co-worker’s sister last week. I hated the relentless praise of Mary. I tried to pray during that time.
Good that came out of it (Romans 8:28) I encouraged another sister, a stranger to me, a young girl, who had guilt and asked for forgiveness from her dead sister in front of all of us.
As I gently rubbed her arm I told her you did nothing wrong. You are a good person. What you are feeling is normal. God Bless you. You did nothing wrong. Your sister knows that.
She thanked me (weeping, head down).
I believe God placed me there to comfort this distraugt young lady, a stranger to me.
God is so Amazing. All Powerful. All Knowing. Sovereign. Loving. Kind. Merciful. Wonderful. Just. Forgiving. Helpful. Forever.
Good that came out of it (Romans 8:28) I encouraged another sister, a stranger to me, a young girl, who had guilt and asked for forgiveness from her dead sister in front of all of us.
As I gently rubbed her arm I told her you did nothing wrong. You are a good person. What you are feeling is normal. God Bless you. You did nothing wrong. Your sister knows that.
She thanked me (weeping, head down).
I believe God placed me there to comfort this distraugt young lady, a stranger to me.
God is so Amazing. All Powerful. All Knowing. Sovereign. Loving. Kind. Merciful. Wonderful. Just. Forgiving. Helpful. Forever.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Very Touching Song

Read about it:
"Roaring Lambs" was meant as a challenge to Christians. Where does your song on the CD, “Daisies and Roses” fit in?
It is about how we felt when we went to Saudia Arabia to play for the soldiers. The whole trip was a challenge because we were in a country where you couldn't speak about your faith. We had to sign death-penalty notices before entering the country stating we would not bring in any kind of Christianity. Guess you could say that we had to tell a white lie because all we sang about was God.
"Daisies and Roses" came out of that experience. The challenge was trusting in God and going forth into a country where we knew we weren't welcome but we were granted the victory for facing up to the challenge.”
It starts from the motions that blade 'round my mind
Causes premonition, and it takes me out of time
It's a story told over of how I came to be
Screaming from the mountains I was blind but now
I seeI am a soldier trying to be one living in salvation, shining like the sun
Daisies and Roses are all I can see, all I'll ever live for
That sun, those stars, holy sea (louloulouloulouloulou... 17)
Oh! Lonely soldier, why are we alone?I thought we were all connected
My, I thought we've grown, we all need attention to heal from our cries
I dream of your smiles to drench my dying eyes
Colors and visions, mountains and streams
Needing each other, oh baby, it's better than it seems
Daisies and roses are all i can see
All I ever lived for, that sun, those stars (loulouloulou... 17)
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Artist websites
I bought this a while back and just had the opportunity to listen.
I LOVE THIS C/D!!!!!!!!!
Any More Sure [2001]
Good Day [2001]
Believer [2001]
On My Way Back Home [2001]
Any Way [2001]
Speak to Me [2001]
After All [2001]
Return to Me [2001]
Calling Out [2001]
Whatever I Do [2001]
Monday, June 12, 2006
Back in the 80's Wendys' had this clever commercial with this short old lady with a gruffy voice yelling "Where's the beef!?" It made for a good BBQ invite.....
Well, I tell you, stop the beef:
"Mad cow disease is the common term for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), an invariably fatal disease that slowly destroys the nervous system in cattle. Scientists believe the disease is caused by a protein called a prion that occurs naturally in the brains of animals and people. Normally, prions are harmless, but when they're misshapen — something that can happen when a process called protein folding goes awry — they can cause devastating illness......
The first indications of the disease are psychiatric — personality changes, memory loss and impaired judgment. People with vCJD eventually develop dementia, which robs them of the ability to speak, think, remember or care for themselves. Problems with balance and coordination also are common, leading to falls and difficulty walking.
Although it seems to take years or even decades for signs and symptoms of vCJD to appear, once they do develop, people with the disease rarely live more than 12 to 14 months. The cause of death usually isn't the disease itself but a complication such as infection or heart or respiratory problems.
Are certain types of beef or cuts of beef safer than others?
The chances of eating infected beef are very low — even in countries with a relatively high rate of mad cow disease, such as the United Kingdom, Portugal, France, Spain and Germany. Still, the meats most likely to contain prions include hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages and luncheon meats because they generally contain meat from different parts of the animal. The parts of cows that have the highest risk of carrying prions include the bone marrow, brain, spinal cord, eyes and small intestine. Cuts of beef muscle or whole muscle meats appear to be FREE OF THE PRIONS that can lead to vCJD......
What if my dog or cat eats pet food made with mad-cow-infected beef?
Several species can get diseases related to BSE and vCJD, including goats, sheep, mink, deer, elk and cats. Dogs don't appear to get this type of disease. Still, because cats and dogs often eat food that contains ground-up scraps of animals, including cows, your anxiety over your pet's health is reasonable."..........
Well, I tell you, stop the beef:
"Mad cow disease is the common term for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), an invariably fatal disease that slowly destroys the nervous system in cattle. Scientists believe the disease is caused by a protein called a prion that occurs naturally in the brains of animals and people. Normally, prions are harmless, but when they're misshapen — something that can happen when a process called protein folding goes awry — they can cause devastating illness......
The first indications of the disease are psychiatric — personality changes, memory loss and impaired judgment. People with vCJD eventually develop dementia, which robs them of the ability to speak, think, remember or care for themselves. Problems with balance and coordination also are common, leading to falls and difficulty walking.
Although it seems to take years or even decades for signs and symptoms of vCJD to appear, once they do develop, people with the disease rarely live more than 12 to 14 months. The cause of death usually isn't the disease itself but a complication such as infection or heart or respiratory problems.
Are certain types of beef or cuts of beef safer than others?
The chances of eating infected beef are very low — even in countries with a relatively high rate of mad cow disease, such as the United Kingdom, Portugal, France, Spain and Germany. Still, the meats most likely to contain prions include hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages and luncheon meats because they generally contain meat from different parts of the animal. The parts of cows that have the highest risk of carrying prions include the bone marrow, brain, spinal cord, eyes and small intestine. Cuts of beef muscle or whole muscle meats appear to be FREE OF THE PRIONS that can lead to vCJD......
What if my dog or cat eats pet food made with mad-cow-infected beef?
Several species can get diseases related to BSE and vCJD, including goats, sheep, mink, deer, elk and cats. Dogs don't appear to get this type of disease. Still, because cats and dogs often eat food that contains ground-up scraps of animals, including cows, your anxiety over your pet's health is reasonable."..........
Friday, June 09, 2006
Today I had the privilege and opportunity to educate a deaf patient on her diet.
We read and wrote back and forth.
What a sweet person. Glad to have met her.
(When I was 11 I had the signing alphabet memorized)
We read and wrote back and forth.
What a sweet person. Glad to have met her.
(When I was 11 I had the signing alphabet memorized)
“Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.”
--Dale Carnegie, 1888-1955
--Dale Carnegie, 1888-1955
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Stop the Anger. Stop the Sex.
This am the ktla channel 5 morning news team reported:
41% of 279 TEEN GIRLS interviewed
reported that they have UNWANTED SEX with their boyfriend
because they are afraid he will get ANGRY if they don’t.
WOULD IT HELP to teach teens:
3) It's okay to say NO!--?
4) It's respectable to have the self-control to wait.--?
41% of 279 TEEN GIRLS interviewed
reported that they have UNWANTED SEX with their boyfriend
because they are afraid he will get ANGRY if they don’t.
WOULD IT HELP to teach teens:
3) It's okay to say NO!--?
4) It's respectable to have the self-control to wait.--?
Get the VOTERS to vote
I wish people who DID NOT VOTE
would be fined $ or be forced to do community service,
unless you have a legitimate excuse like illness.....
Only 27% of the California voters voted yesterday in the Primary Election.....
would be fined $ or be forced to do community service,
unless you have a legitimate excuse like illness.....
Only 27% of the California voters voted yesterday in the Primary Election.....
TRAGIC // PRAY FOR VIOLENCE TO STOP,1,5455922.story?coll=la-headlines-frontpage
Slain Teen Was Trying to Protect His Brother
Agustin Contreras was shot at Venice High by a gang member who tried to take the cross his younger brother wore.
The fight began over a large silver cross and turned deadly after an act of brotherly devotion.Agustin Contreras, 17, described by teachers and police as a good student who was not involved in gangs, was shot to death at Venice High School as he tried to protect his younger brother Alejo from gang members bent on stealing the cross from around the 16-year-old's neck. It was the first fatal shooting on a Los Angeles Unified School District campus in more than a decade, and fueled worries about gangs and racial tensions in Venice. Police and community leaders called for calm and organized tolerance meetings in hopes of heading off retaliatory attacks...........
Slain Teen Was Trying to Protect His Brother
Agustin Contreras was shot at Venice High by a gang member who tried to take the cross his younger brother wore.
The fight began over a large silver cross and turned deadly after an act of brotherly devotion.Agustin Contreras, 17, described by teachers and police as a good student who was not involved in gangs, was shot to death at Venice High School as he tried to protect his younger brother Alejo from gang members bent on stealing the cross from around the 16-year-old's neck. It was the first fatal shooting on a Los Angeles Unified School District campus in more than a decade, and fueled worries about gangs and racial tensions in Venice. Police and community leaders called for calm and organized tolerance meetings in hopes of heading off retaliatory attacks...........
Friday, June 02, 2006
I Like This Quote
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
--Frank Outlaw
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
--Frank Outlaw
Monday, May 29, 2006

How about PRAYER for all the families in the world who have had loved ones Killed In WAR??? Not just for families of soldiers.
"A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak up. A time to love and a time to hate. A time for W A R and a time for P E A C E ." ---Ecclesiastes 3:7-8
1997 PHOTO of my son Luke age 2 years 10 months at Canoga Park Memorial Day Parade. My son Nick, then 6 years old, is in the parade...
Monday, May 22, 2006
Thanks for a loving weekend.
Double "24" season finale starts in 35 minutes!
Thanks for a loving weekend.
Double "24" season finale starts in 35 minutes!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Health Check-Ups NEED HELP
......A new government-sponsored study out this week looked at all the preventive services offered by doctors and rated them according to both their potential health impact as well as their cost-effectiveness.
According to the study, five of the top-rated services are being provided to fewer than half the patients who should be getting them.
"Many Americans are not receiving the most valuable preventive services,'' said Ashley Coffield, a senior analyst with the Partnership for Prevention, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to health promotion, who helped write the report......
Of the 25 top-valued services, the researchers found that seven are utilized by less than 50 percent of the patients who should get the care.
They include:
_ Discussing daily aspirin use with men 40 and older, women 50 and older and anyone else at increased risk for heart disease. If everyone took the blood thinner that should (and some have medical reasons not to), as many as 80,000 lives a year might be saved, the report said.
_ Screening adults for tobacco use, offering them brief counseling and offering medicines and other aids to help them quit. Although this is one of the most valuable services, 65 percent of patients haven't received this service as recommended. If everyone got it and just two or three percent of smokers managed to quit, it would save the country more than $3 billion a year in medical costs
_ Regular screening for colorectal cancer. Although it's the second-deadliest cancer, it had a high cure rate when caught early. But 65 percent don't get properly screened. If all adults over age 50 were regularly checked, it would prevent 19,000 deaths a year.
_ Pneumococcal vaccine for adults over 65. One dose of this shot prevents pneumonia from numerous types of bacterial infection and protects for 10 years. Yet only 45 percent of seniors have gotten the shot. If they all did, it would cut health costs by $50 million a year and save thousands of live.
_ Asking adults about alcohol use. It's estimated that if all adults were periodically counseled about drinking, 6,000 deaths and 400,000 injuries a year could be avoided.
_ Chlamydia screening among all sexually active women under age 25. There are 3 million new cases of this disease each year. If all women were appropriately tested, the experts say 60,000 cases of pelvic inflammatory disease and 7,500 cases of infertility could be prevented.
_ Vision screening for older adults. About one of every four seniors wear inappropriate corrective lenses for their eyes. Getting them the right glasses could not only improve their quality of life and self-sufficiency, but also reduce hip fractures from falls.
A separate report from the National Eye Institute released last week, based on a national sample of vision tests, found that six percent of Americans over age 12 are visually impaired, and most of them, about 11 million, do not have corrective lenses. It also found that the age group most likely to have vision problems that can be corrected, but are not, are those aged 60 and older
......A new government-sponsored study out this week looked at all the preventive services offered by doctors and rated them according to both their potential health impact as well as their cost-effectiveness.
According to the study, five of the top-rated services are being provided to fewer than half the patients who should be getting them.
"Many Americans are not receiving the most valuable preventive services,'' said Ashley Coffield, a senior analyst with the Partnership for Prevention, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to health promotion, who helped write the report......
Of the 25 top-valued services, the researchers found that seven are utilized by less than 50 percent of the patients who should get the care.
They include:
_ Discussing daily aspirin use with men 40 and older, women 50 and older and anyone else at increased risk for heart disease. If everyone took the blood thinner that should (and some have medical reasons not to), as many as 80,000 lives a year might be saved, the report said.
_ Screening adults for tobacco use, offering them brief counseling and offering medicines and other aids to help them quit. Although this is one of the most valuable services, 65 percent of patients haven't received this service as recommended. If everyone got it and just two or three percent of smokers managed to quit, it would save the country more than $3 billion a year in medical costs
_ Regular screening for colorectal cancer. Although it's the second-deadliest cancer, it had a high cure rate when caught early. But 65 percent don't get properly screened. If all adults over age 50 were regularly checked, it would prevent 19,000 deaths a year.
_ Pneumococcal vaccine for adults over 65. One dose of this shot prevents pneumonia from numerous types of bacterial infection and protects for 10 years. Yet only 45 percent of seniors have gotten the shot. If they all did, it would cut health costs by $50 million a year and save thousands of live.
_ Asking adults about alcohol use. It's estimated that if all adults were periodically counseled about drinking, 6,000 deaths and 400,000 injuries a year could be avoided.
_ Chlamydia screening among all sexually active women under age 25. There are 3 million new cases of this disease each year. If all women were appropriately tested, the experts say 60,000 cases of pelvic inflammatory disease and 7,500 cases of infertility could be prevented.
_ Vision screening for older adults. About one of every four seniors wear inappropriate corrective lenses for their eyes. Getting them the right glasses could not only improve their quality of life and self-sufficiency, but also reduce hip fractures from falls.
A separate report from the National Eye Institute released last week, based on a national sample of vision tests, found that six percent of Americans over age 12 are visually impaired, and most of them, about 11 million, do not have corrective lenses. It also found that the age group most likely to have vision problems that can be corrected, but are not, are those aged 60 and older
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Female Victims Need More Help
"Domestic violence is so common among women that doctors should be doing more to detect cases and get their patients the help they need, according to the authors of two new studies.......
For example, women in the study who'd been abused within the past five years were four times more likely than other women to have symptoms of severe depression in addition to at least one other physical symptom, including nausea, back pain, chest pain and headaches.They were also three times as likely to describe their health as fair or poor. Although physical abuse was associated with the worst health for women, psychological abuse, such as put-downs, controlling behavior and threats, also affected the women's health.........
Because battered women are often socially isolated (sometimes at the insistence of their partner), a doctor's office might be the only place they're alone with someone else, said Kelly Starr, who reviews fatalities related to domestic violence for the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence".......
"Domestic violence is so common among women that doctors should be doing more to detect cases and get their patients the help they need, according to the authors of two new studies.......
For example, women in the study who'd been abused within the past five years were four times more likely than other women to have symptoms of severe depression in addition to at least one other physical symptom, including nausea, back pain, chest pain and headaches.They were also three times as likely to describe their health as fair or poor. Although physical abuse was associated with the worst health for women, psychological abuse, such as put-downs, controlling behavior and threats, also affected the women's health.........
Because battered women are often socially isolated (sometimes at the insistence of their partner), a doctor's office might be the only place they're alone with someone else, said Kelly Starr, who reviews fatalities related to domestic violence for the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence".......
Sunday, May 14, 2006
God Bless All Mothers and All Women who care for children
Song written from the point of view of a child:
M—O—M written by Brad Elias April 2002
Who carried me until my birth? M—O—M
Who told me just how much I’m worth? M—O—M
Who kissed my knees when they were skinned?
Who forgave me each time I sinned?
Mother Of Mine, Maker of Miracles
God showed his love by giving us them
My own Mama, My Only Model
So I spell love
Who tidied up when she was tired? M—O—M
Who told me I’m her heart’s desire? M—O—M
Who prayed for me both night and day
To keep me in the narrow way?
Mother Of Mine, Maker of Miracles
God showed his love by giving us them
My own Mama, My Only Model
So I spell love
Song written from the point of view of a child:
M—O—M written by Brad Elias April 2002
Who carried me until my birth? M—O—M
Who told me just how much I’m worth? M—O—M
Who kissed my knees when they were skinned?
Who forgave me each time I sinned?
Mother Of Mine, Maker of Miracles
God showed his love by giving us them
My own Mama, My Only Model
So I spell love
Who tidied up when she was tired? M—O—M
Who told me I’m her heart’s desire? M—O—M
Who prayed for me both night and day
To keep me in the narrow way?
Mother Of Mine, Maker of Miracles
God showed his love by giving us them
My own Mama, My Only Model
So I spell love
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
MAY 22nd will = 24 years married !
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Smart Dolphins

Bottlenose dolphins swim together near the village of Fagasa in American Samoa. New research using the recorded sounds of wild dolphins off the Florida coast shows that the marine mammals give themselves signature whistles that act as names.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
For Your Health
Experts Issue New Stroke-Prevention Guidelines
For Patients:
Have regular screenings for high blood pressure -- at least every two years in adults and more frequently in minorities and the elderly -- and keep blood pressure under control.
Don't smoke, and eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke.
If you have diabetes, maintain tight control of blood pressure. If you have diabetes and other stroke risk factors, talk to your doctor about taking a cholesterol-lowering statin drug.
Reduce your intake of salt (no more than 2.3 grams of sodium a day), and increase your intake of potassium (at least 4.7 grams a day) in order to lower high blood pressure. Eat a diet high in fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and low in saturated and total fat.
Lower total cholesterol to acceptable levels.
Lose weight, which can lower blood pressure.
Get moderately intensive physical activity for a least 30 minutes a day.
For Doctors:
Treat cardiovascular diseases that increase stroke risk such as coronary heart disease, heart failure and peripheral artery disease.
Consider clot-preventing anticoagulants or antithrombotics for high-risk patients with atrial fibrillation.
Consider statins for patients with diabetes and other stroke risk factors.
For patients with severe blockage of the carotid artery in the neck without symptoms, consider recommending preventive carotid endarectomy surgery by a surgeon with a low complication rate.
Beginning at age 2, use transcranial Doppler ultrasound to screen children with sickle cell disease and consider transfusion therapy for those with an elevated risk of stroke.
Evaluate adult sickle cell patients for stroke risk factors and manage those risk factors according to the general guidelines in this new stroke prevention statement.
Do not prescribe hormone therapy (with estrogen, with or without progestin) for primary stroke prevention.
The guidelines also include suggestions on other measures that may reduce stroke risk.
For Patients:
Alcohol intake should be limited to no more than two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for nonpregnant women.
Don't use illicit drugs.
Women who smoke or have a history of blood clots should not take oral contraceptives.
If you notice signs of sleep-disordered breathing (loud snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, repeatedly gasping for air during sleep), go to a specialist to be evaluated.
For Doctors:
Treat the components of metabolic syndrome -- abdominal obesity, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, insulin resistance.
Consider low-dose aspirin therapy for women at high risk of stroke.
For Patients:
Have regular screenings for high blood pressure -- at least every two years in adults and more frequently in minorities and the elderly -- and keep blood pressure under control.
Don't smoke, and eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke.
If you have diabetes, maintain tight control of blood pressure. If you have diabetes and other stroke risk factors, talk to your doctor about taking a cholesterol-lowering statin drug.
Reduce your intake of salt (no more than 2.3 grams of sodium a day), and increase your intake of potassium (at least 4.7 grams a day) in order to lower high blood pressure. Eat a diet high in fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and low in saturated and total fat.
Lower total cholesterol to acceptable levels.
Lose weight, which can lower blood pressure.
Get moderately intensive physical activity for a least 30 minutes a day.
For Doctors:
Treat cardiovascular diseases that increase stroke risk such as coronary heart disease, heart failure and peripheral artery disease.
Consider clot-preventing anticoagulants or antithrombotics for high-risk patients with atrial fibrillation.
Consider statins for patients with diabetes and other stroke risk factors.
For patients with severe blockage of the carotid artery in the neck without symptoms, consider recommending preventive carotid endarectomy surgery by a surgeon with a low complication rate.
Beginning at age 2, use transcranial Doppler ultrasound to screen children with sickle cell disease and consider transfusion therapy for those with an elevated risk of stroke.
Evaluate adult sickle cell patients for stroke risk factors and manage those risk factors according to the general guidelines in this new stroke prevention statement.
Do not prescribe hormone therapy (with estrogen, with or without progestin) for primary stroke prevention.
The guidelines also include suggestions on other measures that may reduce stroke risk.
For Patients:
Alcohol intake should be limited to no more than two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for nonpregnant women.
Don't use illicit drugs.
Women who smoke or have a history of blood clots should not take oral contraceptives.
If you notice signs of sleep-disordered breathing (loud snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, repeatedly gasping for air during sleep), go to a specialist to be evaluated.
For Doctors:
Treat the components of metabolic syndrome -- abdominal obesity, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, insulin resistance.
Consider low-dose aspirin therapy for women at high risk of stroke.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Deep ocean trawl nets new 'bugs'
By Richard Black
Environment Correspondent, BBC News website
Catches from the deep include a possible new species of dragonfish
A three-week voyage of discovery in the Atlantic has returned with tiny animals which appear new to science. They include waif-like plankton with delicate translucent bodies related to jellyfish, hundreds of microscopic shrimps, and several kinds of fish...........
By Richard Black
Environment Correspondent, BBC News website
Catches from the deep include a possible new species of dragonfish
A three-week voyage of discovery in the Atlantic has returned with tiny animals which appear new to science. They include waif-like plankton with delicate translucent bodies related to jellyfish, hundreds of microscopic shrimps, and several kinds of fish...........
I just listened to "Out of the Shade" by Melia Mann.
I am so impressed. What a music range. What depth, soul, heart, love goes into her singing. What an original, too.
I am honored to think that this young lady once babysat my boys.
"It sounds like you have monkeys in your bed" she commented on the squeaky frame.
Buy the disc and support this artist.
I am so impressed. What a music range. What depth, soul, heart, love goes into her singing. What an original, too.
I am honored to think that this young lady once babysat my boys.
"It sounds like you have monkeys in your bed" she commented on the squeaky frame.
Buy the disc and support this artist.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Teen Virginity Pledges: Can They Work?
Half of Pledgers Deny Pledge; Other Teens Become Born-Again Virgins
Half of Pledgers Deny Pledge; Other Teens Become Born-Again Virgins
Healthier Drinks at School, finally
School Soda Ban Called Good First Step
[Back in 1991 I remember moms and dietitians demanding less high sugar and high fat items to be sold at schools.]
[Back in 1991 I remember moms and dietitians demanding less high sugar and high fat items to be sold at schools.]
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Belief and Behavior
Survey: Doctors Don't Mind Talking Religion With Patients,2933,193821,00.html
......"Protestant doctors were the most likely to inquire about a patient's beliefs and the most likely to pray with patients"......
As a Hospital Dietitian I have had the opportunity to talk about faith. I have also prayed for patients. I've thought about going to school to be a chaplain.,2933,193821,00.html
......"Protestant doctors were the most likely to inquire about a patient's beliefs and the most likely to pray with patients"......
As a Hospital Dietitian I have had the opportunity to talk about faith. I have also prayed for patients. I've thought about going to school to be a chaplain.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Tour takes visitors inside Hayward fault
FREMONT, Calif. - A section of the dangerous Hayward fault line is now accessible to the curious through a 15-foot pit at a public park.Scientists say "The Hayward Fault Exposed" is the Bay Area's first public exhibit of an ACTIVE fault. Visitors descend a staircase to view the fault, which runs under nine cities for about 75 miles......
FREMONT, Calif. - A section of the dangerous Hayward fault line is now accessible to the curious through a 15-foot pit at a public park.Scientists say "The Hayward Fault Exposed" is the Bay Area's first public exhibit of an ACTIVE fault. Visitors descend a staircase to view the fault, which runs under nine cities for about 75 miles......
Saturday, April 29, 2006
"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person."--Mother Teresa
"Love does not measure; it just gives."
"The poor do not need our sympathy and our pity. The poor need our love and compassion."
"Prayer gives us a pure heart and a pure heart can do much."
"Pride destroys everything. To imitate Jesus is the key to be meek and humble in heart."
"Keep your heart pure. A pure heart is necessary to see God in each other. If you see God in each other, there is love for each other, then there is peace."
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
"Love does not measure; it just gives."
"The poor do not need our sympathy and our pity. The poor need our love and compassion."
"Prayer gives us a pure heart and a pure heart can do much."
"Pride destroys everything. To imitate Jesus is the key to be meek and humble in heart."
"Keep your heart pure. A pure heart is necessary to see God in each other. If you see God in each other, there is love for each other, then there is peace."
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
NOT a Horror Film
Stolen Body Parts Blamed for Illnesses
NEW YORK — At least a dozen people who had routine operations claim they caught deadly viruses and other germs from body parts stolen from corpses in a ghoulish scandal that has sent hundreds of people for tests.The patients tested positive for germs that cause AIDS, hepatitis or syphilis after receiving tissue transplants, according to their lawyers and court records......
NEW YORK — At least a dozen people who had routine operations claim they caught deadly viruses and other germs from body parts stolen from corpses in a ghoulish scandal that has sent hundreds of people for tests.The patients tested positive for germs that cause AIDS, hepatitis or syphilis after receiving tissue transplants, according to their lawyers and court records......
Friday, April 28, 2006
Blood Clots possibly ==> Alzheimer's Disease.
Blood clots 'hold key' to Alzheimer's
.........Much work remains to be done on the link between cerebral emboli and blood clots with Alzheimer's, with the study suggesting that further research could yield effective results in lowering the numbers of dementia cases in the UK. There are 400,000 Alzheimer's sufferers in Britain alone, one in five having the disease in its most severe state.
.........Much work remains to be done on the link between cerebral emboli and blood clots with Alzheimer's, with the study suggesting that further research could yield effective results in lowering the numbers of dementia cases in the UK. There are 400,000 Alzheimer's sufferers in Britain alone, one in five having the disease in its most severe state.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Warning from God
15 "I know you inside and out, and find little to my liking. You're not cold, you're not hot--far better to be either cold or hot! 16 You're stale. You're stagnant. You make me want to vomit. 17 You brag, "I'm rich, I've got it made, I need nothing from anyone,' oblivious that in fact you're a pitiful, blind beggar, threadbare and homeless.
18 "Here's what I want you to do: Buy your gold from me, gold that's been through the refiner's fire. Then you'll be rich. Buy your clothes from me, clothes designed in Heaven. You've gone around half-naked long enough. And buy medicine for your eyes from me so you can see, really see.
19 "The people I love, I call to account--prod and correct and guide so that they'll live at their best. Up on your feet, then! About face! Run after God!
20 "Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I'll come right in and sit down to supper with you. 21 Conquerors will sit alongside me at the head table, just as I, having conquered, took the place of honor at the side of my Father. That's my gift to the conquerors!
22 "Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches."--Revelation chapter 3
18 "Here's what I want you to do: Buy your gold from me, gold that's been through the refiner's fire. Then you'll be rich. Buy your clothes from me, clothes designed in Heaven. You've gone around half-naked long enough. And buy medicine for your eyes from me so you can see, really see.
19 "The people I love, I call to account--prod and correct and guide so that they'll live at their best. Up on your feet, then! About face! Run after God!
20 "Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I'll come right in and sit down to supper with you. 21 Conquerors will sit alongside me at the head table, just as I, having conquered, took the place of honor at the side of my Father. That's my gift to the conquerors!
22 "Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches."--Revelation chapter 3
Dont read this if you tend to get queasy.........
I did NOT have a C-section NOR an epidural x 2.
It HURT both times! I had stitches x 1. After my first
baby was born I told my husband I want 7 more=>
Crazy Mother Hormones. My first nurse was a monster.
My 2nd doctor was awesome. Email me if you want more information. (
Canada paying high cost for C-sections: study
..........One in four pregnant women in Canada chose C-section births in 2002-03. This number is up 17 per cent from a decade earlier...........
.........."If you think you're going to have a better figure if you have a C-section rather than a vaginal birth, you're realistically wrong. It'll take longer for your abdominal muscles to get back into shape and of course you'll have a scar on your abdomen."..........
I did NOT have a C-section NOR an epidural x 2.
It HURT both times! I had stitches x 1. After my first
baby was born I told my husband I want 7 more=>
Crazy Mother Hormones. My first nurse was a monster.
My 2nd doctor was awesome. Email me if you want more information. (
Canada paying high cost for C-sections: study
..........One in four pregnant women in Canada chose C-section births in 2002-03. This number is up 17 per cent from a decade earlier...........
.........."If you think you're going to have a better figure if you have a C-section rather than a vaginal birth, you're realistically wrong. It'll take longer for your abdominal muscles to get back into shape and of course you'll have a scar on your abdomen."..........
More on Black Holes
NASA's Chandra finds black holes are 'green'
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I heard Dave Carder Inteviewed on the radio this morning.
He sounds level-headed. Don't know if the intverview was old or new. The book is from 1992, 1995, 1999.
"Torn Asunder: Recovering From Extramarital Affairs"
by Dave Carder
He sounds level-headed. Don't know if the intverview was old or new. The book is from 1992, 1995, 1999.
"Torn Asunder: Recovering From Extramarital Affairs"
by Dave Carder
=> coffee =>> coffEE=>>> coFFEE=>>>> C O F F E E !
Of course I know that this study contradicts other studies, but this is the type of study this ex-mormon wants to hear! Don't you tell me I can't have my legal drug! (she says as she drops dead of heart failure.....)
"Drinking lots of coffee doesn't harm heart -study"
"Coffee not so bad",7340,L-3244211,00.html
"Coffee May Not Raise Heart Disease Risk",2933,193070,00.html
Oh come on. "6 cups" is pushing it!!!!!!!!!
Coffee also can cause: gastritis, anemia, bone loss, and stained teeth.
"Drinking lots of coffee doesn't harm heart -study"
"Coffee not so bad",7340,L-3244211,00.html
"Coffee May Not Raise Heart Disease Risk",2933,193070,00.html
Oh come on. "6 cups" is pushing it!!!!!!!!!
Coffee also can cause: gastritis, anemia, bone loss, and stained teeth.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Good Decision on POT
I’m pleased with the decision. I’ve heard that many students get stoned often. I‘ve heard that students think that many smart people take this and it does not hurt them at all.
NIDA InfoFacts: Marijuana
Marijuana has no medical use, FDA says
FDA Says No To Legal Medical Marijuana
F.D.A. Dismisses Medical Benefit From Marijuana
NIDA InfoFacts: Marijuana
Marijuana has no medical use, FDA says
FDA Says No To Legal Medical Marijuana
F.D.A. Dismisses Medical Benefit From Marijuana
Sunday, April 23, 2006
"I was waiting for someone to come along, some young singer 18 to 22 years old, to write these songs and stand up," Young said. "I waited a long time. Then, I decided that maybe the generation that has to do this is still the '60s generation. We're still here."
Neil Young's newly recorded protest album "Living With War," including a song calling for the impeachment of U.S. President George W. Bush, will be posted for free Internet streaming next week, his label said on Friday.
Neil Young's newly recorded protest album "Living With War," including a song calling for the impeachment of U.S. President George W. Bush, will be posted for free Internet streaming next week, his label said on Friday.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
At work this InformationTechnology Technician put his device into one computer and copied over all of my files to another computer. This motivated me to look up "infuse/infusion" as related to God. I'd wished I could have composed a poem regarding it. [ It also remined me of Spock's Mind Meld. Now you know I'm old.] Lately I feel distant from God and from people. If I could just get a Jesus infusion! Seriously.
Infuse Defined: To fill or cause to be filled with something
Philippians 4: 12-14 (amplified)
12 I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry, having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want.
13 I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency].
14 But it was right and commendable and noble of you to contribute for my needs and to share my difficulties with me.
1 Thessalonians 3: 10-13 (The Message)
10 We do what we can, praying away, night and day, asking for the bonus of seeing your faces again and doing what we can to help when your faith falters.
11 May God our Father himself and our Master Jesus clear the road to you! 12 And may the Master pour on the love so it fills your lives and splashes over on everyone around you, just as it does from us to you. 13 May you be infused with strength and purity, filled with confidence in the presence of God our Father when our Master Jesus arrives with all his followers.
Infuse Defined: To fill or cause to be filled with something
Philippians 4: 12-14 (amplified)
12 I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry, having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want.
13 I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency].
14 But it was right and commendable and noble of you to contribute for my needs and to share my difficulties with me.
1 Thessalonians 3: 10-13 (The Message)
10 We do what we can, praying away, night and day, asking for the bonus of seeing your faces again and doing what we can to help when your faith falters.
11 May God our Father himself and our Master Jesus clear the road to you! 12 And may the Master pour on the love so it fills your lives and splashes over on everyone around you, just as it does from us to you. 13 May you be infused with strength and purity, filled with confidence in the presence of God our Father when our Master Jesus arrives with all his followers.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Decrease Risk for Alzheimers
I really like these Food Guide Pyramids from Mayo Health Clinic:
Increase fruits, vegetables, legumes, and cereals; have some fish and alcohol, and less dairy and meat. (I personally believe that nonfat dairy is healthy).
The Mediterranean diet may reduce risk for Alzheimer's disease, according to a community-based study conducted in New York.
The Mediterranean diet is known to be high in fruits, vegetables, cereals, but low in meat and dairy products. A group of 2,258 non-demented individuals from the Washington Heights-Inwood Columbia Aging Project participated in the study. They were instructed to be on the diet for an average of four years.
During the course of the study, 262 individuals were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.........
The Mediterranean diet has also been linked to a lower risk for cardiovascular disease, several forms of cancer, and overall mortality.
Increase fruits, vegetables, legumes, and cereals; have some fish and alcohol, and less dairy and meat. (I personally believe that nonfat dairy is healthy).
The Mediterranean diet may reduce risk for Alzheimer's disease, according to a community-based study conducted in New York.
The Mediterranean diet is known to be high in fruits, vegetables, cereals, but low in meat and dairy products. A group of 2,258 non-demented individuals from the Washington Heights-Inwood Columbia Aging Project participated in the study. They were instructed to be on the diet for an average of four years.
During the course of the study, 262 individuals were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.........
The Mediterranean diet has also been linked to a lower risk for cardiovascular disease, several forms of cancer, and overall mortality.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I was thinking about Jesus Christ dying for me.
Can you believe he wanted those who hurt him to be forgiven?
How hard would that be for me? Impossible?
We all hurt Him. No one culture race religion was to blame.
Enjoy the song lyrics.
Hope to Carry On, Rich Mullins
I can see Jesus hanging on a cross
I can see Jesus hanging on a cross
Oh, I can see Jesus hanging on a cross
He came looking for the lost
And love has come Love has come
Love has come And given me hope to carry on
I can hear Jesus saying Father forgive (Father forgive)
I can hear Jesus saying Father forgive (Father forgive them)
I can hear Jesus saying Father forgive
And what a thing He did
Love has come
Love has come
Love has come
And given me hope to carry on
And I can see love
Love is all I want to see
It can make a beggar rich
It can set a prisoner free
I know He can do it for you
God knows He did it for me
And I can see love
And love is all I want to show you Love
Love's the only way to go And love
But love is all a man might need to know
This I know
And you know Peter put away his sword
I can see Peter putting away his sword
Well I can see Peter put away his sword
He won't fight no more Love has come
Love has come Love has come
And given me hope to carry on
To carry on To carry on
Tabula Rasa (Clean Slate), Al Denson
Be here in my eyes
So others may see
The beauty and presence of Your love
In one who was blind but now believes
Be here in my heart
Flow through my blood
Strengthen my soul and wash me clean
A living example of what Your grace has done
I will walk beside You
I give You my life
And when others seek to find You
May I be a light that shines
Be here in my hands
Give me Your touch
Use me to comfort and to build
Shelter for those who need Your love
Breathe words to my lips
So I may speak
Echo Your truth and living words
Lord, make me all I can be
I will walk beside You
Jesus, I give You my life
And when others seek to find You
May I be the light that shines
Be here in my heart
Flow through my blood
Strengthen my soul and wash me clean
Lord, make me all that I can be
Lord, please make me all that I can be
Can you believe he wanted those who hurt him to be forgiven?
How hard would that be for me? Impossible?
We all hurt Him. No one culture race religion was to blame.
Enjoy the song lyrics.
Hope to Carry On, Rich Mullins
I can see Jesus hanging on a cross
I can see Jesus hanging on a cross
Oh, I can see Jesus hanging on a cross
He came looking for the lost
And love has come Love has come
Love has come And given me hope to carry on
I can hear Jesus saying Father forgive (Father forgive)
I can hear Jesus saying Father forgive (Father forgive them)
I can hear Jesus saying Father forgive
And what a thing He did
Love has come
Love has come
Love has come
And given me hope to carry on
And I can see love
Love is all I want to see
It can make a beggar rich
It can set a prisoner free
I know He can do it for you
God knows He did it for me
And I can see love
And love is all I want to show you Love
Love's the only way to go And love
But love is all a man might need to know
This I know
And you know Peter put away his sword
I can see Peter putting away his sword
Well I can see Peter put away his sword
He won't fight no more Love has come
Love has come Love has come
And given me hope to carry on
To carry on To carry on
Tabula Rasa (Clean Slate), Al Denson
Be here in my eyes
So others may see
The beauty and presence of Your love
In one who was blind but now believes
Be here in my heart
Flow through my blood
Strengthen my soul and wash me clean
A living example of what Your grace has done
I will walk beside You
I give You my life
And when others seek to find You
May I be a light that shines
Be here in my hands
Give me Your touch
Use me to comfort and to build
Shelter for those who need Your love
Breathe words to my lips
So I may speak
Echo Your truth and living words
Lord, make me all I can be
I will walk beside You
Jesus, I give You my life
And when others seek to find You
May I be the light that shines
Be here in my heart
Flow through my blood
Strengthen my soul and wash me clean
Lord, make me all that I can be
Lord, please make me all that I can be
At the end of today's broadcast Greg Laurie said "Fear Not" is the advice most given by Jesus. There are so many things in this world we could be afraid of.
Breaking Free from Worry by: Greg Laurie
Have you ever been gripped by fear? You know the feeling. A shiver downs your spine. Your stomach has a sinking sensation. Your mouth goes dry. Maybe it happened when you were in a life-threatening situation, or at least you thought you were. Some people actually thrive on fear and will spend their hard-earned dollars to be scared out of their minds. They will go to a movie because they have heard it is really scary or go to an amusement park to ride the most extreme ride. But like it or not, fear is a very real emotion that most of us would rather avoid.
Unfortunately, fear has a friend called worry, and the two work in tandem. For example, maybe something frightens you, and you begin to think about the worst thing that could possibly happen. What if this happens? What if that happens? You can worry yourself into a state of panic.
Medical research has proven that worry can be physically harmful. It can affect our nervous systems and make us less resistant to disease. Experts have stated that excessive worry can shorten the human life. It is ironic that we worry about our lives, but in doing so, we actually can shorten them.
I am glad that the apostle Paul took the time to address the subject of worry and give us God's antidote for it:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. (Philippians 4:6–8 NKJV) When Paul wrote these words, he was not living in an ivory tower, spinning off impractical theories. He was in some very difficult circumstances. Paul wanted to go to Rome to preach, but instead, he ended up there as a prisoner. Now he awaited his fate. His case could come up any day. He didn't know whether he would be acquitted or beheaded. Paul had plenty to worry about. But in the midst of these circumstances, Paul offered three steps that will help us break free from worry.
The first step is right praying (verse 6–7). When we are gripped by fear and worry, we need to pray. If you want to be free from worry, then you need to be a person who prays. Jesus taught us to pray, "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done. On earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:9 NKJV). When you put God's will above your own and start praying and thinking about His greatness, then all of your problems start shrinking, not because they are getting smaller, but because you have begun to realize how big God is. It puts your problems in perspective.
Second, we need to take the step of right thinking (verse 8). Maintaining personal peace involves both the heart and the mind. If you want peace in your heart, then you have to get your thoughts in order, because what we think about ultimately affects what we do. We want to nip in the bud any thoughts that would be impure or spiritually destructive. Isaiah 26:3 promises, "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You" (NKJV).
The third step is right living (verse 9). You cannot separate outward action from inward attitude. When you live a wicked life, you are constantly in turmoil, because sin always results in unrest. In contrast, when you live right before God, you have His peace. Isaiah 32:17 says, "The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever" (NKJV).
Are you a person who is gripped by worry today? Before you can know the peace of God, you need to have peace with God. But this is only possible through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. To learn more, simply go to
If you're reading this today and know Jesus Christ, then you don't have to worry about tomorrow. God is in control of your life. You may not know what tomorrow holds, but you know who holds tomorrow. Friday, September 19, 2003
Breaking Free from Worry by: Greg Laurie
Have you ever been gripped by fear? You know the feeling. A shiver downs your spine. Your stomach has a sinking sensation. Your mouth goes dry. Maybe it happened when you were in a life-threatening situation, or at least you thought you were. Some people actually thrive on fear and will spend their hard-earned dollars to be scared out of their minds. They will go to a movie because they have heard it is really scary or go to an amusement park to ride the most extreme ride. But like it or not, fear is a very real emotion that most of us would rather avoid.
Unfortunately, fear has a friend called worry, and the two work in tandem. For example, maybe something frightens you, and you begin to think about the worst thing that could possibly happen. What if this happens? What if that happens? You can worry yourself into a state of panic.
Medical research has proven that worry can be physically harmful. It can affect our nervous systems and make us less resistant to disease. Experts have stated that excessive worry can shorten the human life. It is ironic that we worry about our lives, but in doing so, we actually can shorten them.
I am glad that the apostle Paul took the time to address the subject of worry and give us God's antidote for it:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. (Philippians 4:6–8 NKJV) When Paul wrote these words, he was not living in an ivory tower, spinning off impractical theories. He was in some very difficult circumstances. Paul wanted to go to Rome to preach, but instead, he ended up there as a prisoner. Now he awaited his fate. His case could come up any day. He didn't know whether he would be acquitted or beheaded. Paul had plenty to worry about. But in the midst of these circumstances, Paul offered three steps that will help us break free from worry.
The first step is right praying (verse 6–7). When we are gripped by fear and worry, we need to pray. If you want to be free from worry, then you need to be a person who prays. Jesus taught us to pray, "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done. On earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:9 NKJV). When you put God's will above your own and start praying and thinking about His greatness, then all of your problems start shrinking, not because they are getting smaller, but because you have begun to realize how big God is. It puts your problems in perspective.
Second, we need to take the step of right thinking (verse 8). Maintaining personal peace involves both the heart and the mind. If you want peace in your heart, then you have to get your thoughts in order, because what we think about ultimately affects what we do. We want to nip in the bud any thoughts that would be impure or spiritually destructive. Isaiah 26:3 promises, "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You" (NKJV).
The third step is right living (verse 9). You cannot separate outward action from inward attitude. When you live a wicked life, you are constantly in turmoil, because sin always results in unrest. In contrast, when you live right before God, you have His peace. Isaiah 32:17 says, "The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever" (NKJV).
Are you a person who is gripped by worry today? Before you can know the peace of God, you need to have peace with God. But this is only possible through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. To learn more, simply go to
If you're reading this today and know Jesus Christ, then you don't have to worry about tomorrow. God is in control of your life. You may not know what tomorrow holds, but you know who holds tomorrow. Friday, September 19, 2003
New model simulates Einstein's vision of black hole mergers
The types of black hole mergers predicted by Einstein's general relativity have been accurately simulated in a computer model for the first time......
Black holes are regions of space where matter is packed so tightly that the resulting gravity ensnares matter and even light.
Einstein's general relativity predicts that when black holes merge, they will emit gravitational waves that distort the fabric of space-time like ripples spreading across a pond......
The types of black hole mergers predicted by Einstein's general relativity have been accurately simulated in a computer model for the first time......
Black holes are regions of space where matter is packed so tightly that the resulting gravity ensnares matter and even light.
Einstein's general relativity predicts that when black holes merge, they will emit gravitational waves that distort the fabric of space-time like ripples spreading across a pond......
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Enormous Meat-Loving Dinosaur Found
April 18, 2006— Remains of an enormous species of carnivorous dinosaur, which was longer than all other previously identified meat-eating dinos, have been found in western Patagonia, according to a news conference held there on Monday.
Researchers announced that the newly discovered meat muncher, Mapusaurus roseae, belongs to a group of gigantic carnivorous dinosaurs called carcharodontosaurids. This group includes Giganotosaurus, the largest meat-eating dinosaur to ever walk the earth.
The discovery is published in the latest issue of the journal Geodiversitas.
Paleontologists say Mapusaurus exceeded 41 feet in length and had a shinbone that was longer than that of Giganotosaurus. The current record-holder, however, retains its "largest" title because Giganotosaurus would have been wider and heavier than Mapusaurus.......
A Meat Eater Bigger Than T. Rex Is Unearthed
A new dinosaur species, one of the largest known carnivorous dinosaurs, has emerged from the red sandstone of Patagonia, in Argentina, where reptilian giants seem to have thrived 100 million years ago.
Huge meat-eating dinosaurs roamed in groups in Argentina
NEW YORK — Scientists are learning more about what appears to be one of the biggest meat-eating dinosaurs known, a two-legged beast whose bones were found several years ago in the fossil-rich Patagonia region of Argentina.
One expert called the discovery the first substantial evidence of group living by large meat-eaters other than tyrannosaurs like T. rex.
April 18, 2006— Remains of an enormous species of carnivorous dinosaur, which was longer than all other previously identified meat-eating dinos, have been found in western Patagonia, according to a news conference held there on Monday.
Researchers announced that the newly discovered meat muncher, Mapusaurus roseae, belongs to a group of gigantic carnivorous dinosaurs called carcharodontosaurids. This group includes Giganotosaurus, the largest meat-eating dinosaur to ever walk the earth.
The discovery is published in the latest issue of the journal Geodiversitas.
Paleontologists say Mapusaurus exceeded 41 feet in length and had a shinbone that was longer than that of Giganotosaurus. The current record-holder, however, retains its "largest" title because Giganotosaurus would have been wider and heavier than Mapusaurus.......
A Meat Eater Bigger Than T. Rex Is Unearthed
A new dinosaur species, one of the largest known carnivorous dinosaurs, has emerged from the red sandstone of Patagonia, in Argentina, where reptilian giants seem to have thrived 100 million years ago.
Huge meat-eating dinosaurs roamed in groups in Argentina
NEW YORK — Scientists are learning more about what appears to be one of the biggest meat-eating dinosaurs known, a two-legged beast whose bones were found several years ago in the fossil-rich Patagonia region of Argentina.
One expert called the discovery the first substantial evidence of group living by large meat-eaters other than tyrannosaurs like T. rex.
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