Psalms of Strength and Comfort
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.-Psalm 73:26
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.-Psalm 46:1-2
"The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.-Psalm 28:8
"Be merciful to me, O LORD, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and my body with grief.-Psalm 31:9
"But you, O LORD, be not far off; O my Strength, come quickly to help me.-Psalm 22:19
"The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.-Psalm 29:11
"O my Strength, I watch for you; you, O God, are my fortress.-Psalm 59:9
"Summon your power, O God; show us your strength, O God, as you have done before.-Psalm 68:28
"My hand will sustain him; surely my arm will strengthen him.-Psalm 89:21
"The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.-Psalm 118:14
"My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.-Psalm 119:28
Thursday, June 29, 2006
I attended a catholic vigil and mass for a co-worker’s sister last week. I hated the relentless praise of Mary. I tried to pray during that time.
Good that came out of it (Romans 8:28) I encouraged another sister, a stranger to me, a young girl, who had guilt and asked for forgiveness from her dead sister in front of all of us.
As I gently rubbed her arm I told her you did nothing wrong. You are a good person. What you are feeling is normal. God Bless you. You did nothing wrong. Your sister knows that.
She thanked me (weeping, head down).
I believe God placed me there to comfort this distraugt young lady, a stranger to me.
God is so Amazing. All Powerful. All Knowing. Sovereign. Loving. Kind. Merciful. Wonderful. Just. Forgiving. Helpful. Forever.
Good that came out of it (Romans 8:28) I encouraged another sister, a stranger to me, a young girl, who had guilt and asked for forgiveness from her dead sister in front of all of us.
As I gently rubbed her arm I told her you did nothing wrong. You are a good person. What you are feeling is normal. God Bless you. You did nothing wrong. Your sister knows that.
She thanked me (weeping, head down).
I believe God placed me there to comfort this distraugt young lady, a stranger to me.
God is so Amazing. All Powerful. All Knowing. Sovereign. Loving. Kind. Merciful. Wonderful. Just. Forgiving. Helpful. Forever.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Very Touching Song

Read about it:
"Roaring Lambs" was meant as a challenge to Christians. Where does your song on the CD, “Daisies and Roses” fit in?
It is about how we felt when we went to Saudia Arabia to play for the soldiers. The whole trip was a challenge because we were in a country where you couldn't speak about your faith. We had to sign death-penalty notices before entering the country stating we would not bring in any kind of Christianity. Guess you could say that we had to tell a white lie because all we sang about was God.
"Daisies and Roses" came out of that experience. The challenge was trusting in God and going forth into a country where we knew we weren't welcome but we were granted the victory for facing up to the challenge.”
It starts from the motions that blade 'round my mind
Causes premonition, and it takes me out of time
It's a story told over of how I came to be
Screaming from the mountains I was blind but now
I seeI am a soldier trying to be one living in salvation, shining like the sun
Daisies and Roses are all I can see, all I'll ever live for
That sun, those stars, holy sea (louloulouloulouloulou... 17)
Oh! Lonely soldier, why are we alone?I thought we were all connected
My, I thought we've grown, we all need attention to heal from our cries
I dream of your smiles to drench my dying eyes
Colors and visions, mountains and streams
Needing each other, oh baby, it's better than it seems
Daisies and roses are all i can see
All I ever lived for, that sun, those stars (loulouloulou... 17)
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Artist websites
I bought this a while back and just had the opportunity to listen.
I LOVE THIS C/D!!!!!!!!!
Any More Sure [2001]
Good Day [2001]
Believer [2001]
On My Way Back Home [2001]
Any Way [2001]
Speak to Me [2001]
After All [2001]
Return to Me [2001]
Calling Out [2001]
Whatever I Do [2001]
Monday, June 12, 2006
Back in the 80's Wendys' had this clever commercial with this short old lady with a gruffy voice yelling "Where's the beef!?" It made for a good BBQ invite.....
Well, I tell you, stop the beef:
"Mad cow disease is the common term for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), an invariably fatal disease that slowly destroys the nervous system in cattle. Scientists believe the disease is caused by a protein called a prion that occurs naturally in the brains of animals and people. Normally, prions are harmless, but when they're misshapen — something that can happen when a process called protein folding goes awry — they can cause devastating illness......
The first indications of the disease are psychiatric — personality changes, memory loss and impaired judgment. People with vCJD eventually develop dementia, which robs them of the ability to speak, think, remember or care for themselves. Problems with balance and coordination also are common, leading to falls and difficulty walking.
Although it seems to take years or even decades for signs and symptoms of vCJD to appear, once they do develop, people with the disease rarely live more than 12 to 14 months. The cause of death usually isn't the disease itself but a complication such as infection or heart or respiratory problems.
Are certain types of beef or cuts of beef safer than others?
The chances of eating infected beef are very low — even in countries with a relatively high rate of mad cow disease, such as the United Kingdom, Portugal, France, Spain and Germany. Still, the meats most likely to contain prions include hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages and luncheon meats because they generally contain meat from different parts of the animal. The parts of cows that have the highest risk of carrying prions include the bone marrow, brain, spinal cord, eyes and small intestine. Cuts of beef muscle or whole muscle meats appear to be FREE OF THE PRIONS that can lead to vCJD......
What if my dog or cat eats pet food made with mad-cow-infected beef?
Several species can get diseases related to BSE and vCJD, including goats, sheep, mink, deer, elk and cats. Dogs don't appear to get this type of disease. Still, because cats and dogs often eat food that contains ground-up scraps of animals, including cows, your anxiety over your pet's health is reasonable."..........
Well, I tell you, stop the beef:
"Mad cow disease is the common term for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), an invariably fatal disease that slowly destroys the nervous system in cattle. Scientists believe the disease is caused by a protein called a prion that occurs naturally in the brains of animals and people. Normally, prions are harmless, but when they're misshapen — something that can happen when a process called protein folding goes awry — they can cause devastating illness......
The first indications of the disease are psychiatric — personality changes, memory loss and impaired judgment. People with vCJD eventually develop dementia, which robs them of the ability to speak, think, remember or care for themselves. Problems with balance and coordination also are common, leading to falls and difficulty walking.
Although it seems to take years or even decades for signs and symptoms of vCJD to appear, once they do develop, people with the disease rarely live more than 12 to 14 months. The cause of death usually isn't the disease itself but a complication such as infection or heart or respiratory problems.
Are certain types of beef or cuts of beef safer than others?
The chances of eating infected beef are very low — even in countries with a relatively high rate of mad cow disease, such as the United Kingdom, Portugal, France, Spain and Germany. Still, the meats most likely to contain prions include hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages and luncheon meats because they generally contain meat from different parts of the animal. The parts of cows that have the highest risk of carrying prions include the bone marrow, brain, spinal cord, eyes and small intestine. Cuts of beef muscle or whole muscle meats appear to be FREE OF THE PRIONS that can lead to vCJD......
What if my dog or cat eats pet food made with mad-cow-infected beef?
Several species can get diseases related to BSE and vCJD, including goats, sheep, mink, deer, elk and cats. Dogs don't appear to get this type of disease. Still, because cats and dogs often eat food that contains ground-up scraps of animals, including cows, your anxiety over your pet's health is reasonable."..........
Friday, June 09, 2006
Today I had the privilege and opportunity to educate a deaf patient on her diet.
We read and wrote back and forth.
What a sweet person. Glad to have met her.
(When I was 11 I had the signing alphabet memorized)
We read and wrote back and forth.
What a sweet person. Glad to have met her.
(When I was 11 I had the signing alphabet memorized)
“Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.”
--Dale Carnegie, 1888-1955
--Dale Carnegie, 1888-1955
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Stop the Anger. Stop the Sex.
This am the ktla channel 5 morning news team reported:
41% of 279 TEEN GIRLS interviewed
reported that they have UNWANTED SEX with their boyfriend
because they are afraid he will get ANGRY if they don’t.
WOULD IT HELP to teach teens:
3) It's okay to say NO!--?
4) It's respectable to have the self-control to wait.--?
41% of 279 TEEN GIRLS interviewed
reported that they have UNWANTED SEX with their boyfriend
because they are afraid he will get ANGRY if they don’t.
WOULD IT HELP to teach teens:
3) It's okay to say NO!--?
4) It's respectable to have the self-control to wait.--?
Get the VOTERS to vote
I wish people who DID NOT VOTE
would be fined $ or be forced to do community service,
unless you have a legitimate excuse like illness.....
Only 27% of the California voters voted yesterday in the Primary Election.....
would be fined $ or be forced to do community service,
unless you have a legitimate excuse like illness.....
Only 27% of the California voters voted yesterday in the Primary Election.....
TRAGIC // PRAY FOR VIOLENCE TO STOP,1,5455922.story?coll=la-headlines-frontpage
Slain Teen Was Trying to Protect His Brother
Agustin Contreras was shot at Venice High by a gang member who tried to take the cross his younger brother wore.
The fight began over a large silver cross and turned deadly after an act of brotherly devotion.Agustin Contreras, 17, described by teachers and police as a good student who was not involved in gangs, was shot to death at Venice High School as he tried to protect his younger brother Alejo from gang members bent on stealing the cross from around the 16-year-old's neck. It was the first fatal shooting on a Los Angeles Unified School District campus in more than a decade, and fueled worries about gangs and racial tensions in Venice. Police and community leaders called for calm and organized tolerance meetings in hopes of heading off retaliatory attacks...........
Slain Teen Was Trying to Protect His Brother
Agustin Contreras was shot at Venice High by a gang member who tried to take the cross his younger brother wore.
The fight began over a large silver cross and turned deadly after an act of brotherly devotion.Agustin Contreras, 17, described by teachers and police as a good student who was not involved in gangs, was shot to death at Venice High School as he tried to protect his younger brother Alejo from gang members bent on stealing the cross from around the 16-year-old's neck. It was the first fatal shooting on a Los Angeles Unified School District campus in more than a decade, and fueled worries about gangs and racial tensions in Venice. Police and community leaders called for calm and organized tolerance meetings in hopes of heading off retaliatory attacks...........
Friday, June 02, 2006
I Like This Quote
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
--Frank Outlaw
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
--Frank Outlaw
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