Saturday, November 11, 2006


Sorry this post is so late!
My Family had the opportunity to go to ENGLAND this past summer. One week in London and one week in the country where Brad drove!!!!!!!
I want to share what I viewed as Positive and Negative:
POSITIVE: Family Bonding. Learned about world and local history. Beautiful flowers everywhere. Natives respect their country. Moist air. Beautiful landscape. Good news programs, not fake or hollywoodish. Friendly and helpful people. Courteous drivers. No loose dogs. Awesome transportation subway "tube" system. "Mind the gap." Cool rocks and shells from Winchelsea (pebble) Beach. Walked through a beautiuful meadow full of lambs--refreshed my soul. Enjoyed The Tempest starring Patrick Stewart as Prospero. Left prayer requests in one of the cathedrals.
NEGATIVE: So expensive to eat and lodge, just about double the American dollar. Tobacco smoke everywhere. Pubs in every block. Petral fumes. Small streets. No ice. $ admission charged to even nature places. Eleven hour plane trip was difficult for me.
Neutral observations: A lot of red hair. A lot of pink tops. No floral tops. Ladies tops tight and low cut. No Hispanic people. Many White Indian Black. Surprised we did not see pedestrian killed by taxi or bus. My period returned after 2 years.....who would have figured? tmi.....

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